Serbia News 08:12 30.03.2022 SERBIA IS NOBODY'S MAID, NEITHER RUSSIA'S NOR AMERICA'S! President Vučić's crucial message: We have done what is in the interest of our country!
Serbia News 09:37 29.03.2022 "I KNOW PUTIN AND I KNOW WHAT'S IN HIS HEAD"! Vučić spoke about the war in Ukraine and the Russian President: First the WEST surprised Putin, and then he surprised them!
Serbia News 12:07 24.03.2022 BEIJING PUT ITS CARDS ON THE TABLE! Shocking information arrived from China: WE WILL NOT CHANGE!
Serbia News 13:18 23.03.2022 KYIV IS FRANTICALLY USING THIS IN ITS DEFENCE! Ukrainians swear by Bayraktar (VIDEO)
Serbia News 15:19 22.03.2022 BIDEN AVOIDS UKRAINE! The upcoming visit of the American president to EUROPE does not include this country!
Serbia News 11:41 22.03.2022 ZELENSKYY ISSUES THE MOST SERIOUS WARNING TO ALL OF RUSSIA: He went live in the middle of the night and said one important thing
Serbia News 09:56 22.03.2022 QATAR WILL HOST ONLY ONE GROUP! Serbia becomes the host of the 2022 World Cup?
Serbia News 13:20 20.03.2022 THEY ARE FINANCING THE WAR! Zelenskyy pointed a finger at THEM and called on Switzerland to STOP them!
Serbia News 11:24 20.03.2022 A PAINFUL DECISION WAS MASE - IT'S OVER! Russia in TEARS, Putin ON THE MOVE!
Serbia News 14:55 19.03.2022 DRONE CARRIED A SOVIET BOMB: New details revealed about the aircraft that crashed on ZAGREB
Serbia News 09:36 19.03.2022 TOTAL CHAOS BECAUSE OF MEDVEDEV: Putin GETS HIS OWN WAY even though Russia IS FALLING APART!
Serbia News 12:04 17.03.2022 KLITSCHKO SENT A BRUTAL MESSAGE TO PUTIN! The former boxer replied to the President of Russia! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 15:37 16.03.2022 WORLD WAR THREE ON THE HORIZON?! Creepy warning: Russia is a NUCLEAR POWER, if NATO joins...
Serbia News 13:02 16.03.2022 You can take everything away from me, BUT NOT THE CHEESEBURGERS! A Russian man decided on a RADICAL move, he chained himself to a McDonald's restaurant!
Serbia News 11:41 16.03.2022 PUTIN TAKING REVENGE ON PEPPA PIG: An incredible decision was made after the British sanctions due to the invasion of Ukraine
Serbia News 15:56 15.03.2022 UKRAINE WILL BRING AN END TO THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE! Poroshenko: Putin is crazy and a war criminal, don't believe him!
Serbia News 13:49 15.03.2022 (VIDEO) BARE BREASTED STRIKE AGAINST PUTIN: A group of women undressed in protest against the war in Ukraine
Serbia News 12:21 15.03.2022 RUSSIA CONFIRMS: This is how many of our gold reserves are BLOCKES in the West!
Serbia News 09:41 14.03.2022 You APPLAUDED the Albanians in Kosovo, and you are attacking us! Lavrov fiercely rebuked the WEST after the negotiations in Antalya! Here is what he said about the THIRD World War!
Svet 10:03 DA LI STE VIDELI OVAKAV KONKURS ZA POSAO? Kandidati moraju da poznaju i oružje za MASOVNO UNIŠTENJE! Nude im platu od 6.000 evra
Kultura 10:00 ZVEZDU "TESNE KOŽE" GLEDAMO U "SABLJI"! Okrenuo se Bogu, postao hadžija, pa opet stao pred kamere! Evo koji lik sada tumači!
Svet 09:57 POTPUNO LUDILO! Crkva postavila AI Isusa - umesto sveštenika, vernike ispoveda VEŠTAČKA INTELIGENCIJA!
Hronika 09:56 DOBILI SMO NALOG OD TUŽILAŠTVA DA DOVEDEMO 13 LJUDI! Ivica Dačić o detaljima hapšenja zbog pada nadstrešnice u Novom Sadu!
Fudbal niže lige 09:52 SVAKO MORA DA PREUZME ODGOVORNOST! Trener "zmajeva" zagrmeo: Probleme moramo hitno da rešimo!
Politika 09:49 MALIŠANI IZ VLADIMIRACA DOBIĆE NAJSAVREMENIJU ŠKOLU! Obnavlja se objekat star VEK I PO, ministar Glišić i ministarka Mesarović najavili nove investicije