NEREALNO: Možete li da pogodite ko je majka, a ko ćerka na slici?

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Ove dve žene ponosno stoje jedna pored druge i poziraju prilikom fotografisanja. Jedna je majka Džesika (43), dok je druga ćerka Alisa (23). Međutim, kada ih ljudi vide po prvi put, ne mogu odmah da pogode koja je od njih majka.


Džesika za svoje godine izgleda fenomenalno i niko joj ne veruje da ima čak sedmoro dece. Mnogi joj čak kažu da izgleda kao da je Alisina sestra, a ne majka.

Kada je jednom prilikom podelila rođendansku fotografiju sa svojom najstarijom ćerkom, ljudi su bili zbunjeni, jer im nije bilo jasno ko je ko na slici.

Srećna Republika

Jedna osoba je čak i napisala: "Odbijam da poverujem da ste majka i ćerka". Drugi komentar je glasio: "Imaš 43 godine? Izgledaš neverovatno".


My #transformation has been a lot more than just physical the past 23 years. The girl on the left was so excited to be a mother, but had no idea what lied ahead. My kids were definitely the highs in my life for many years, but the lows got pretty low. There were many days & years I thought I was in a living hell I would never escape. Low self-esteem & fear kept me in my place. Nursing school forced me out of it. I had to extend myself to others daily when I was pretty much an introvert at the time. Getting out in the workforce taught me that I could care for myself & kids if I needed to. I learned to believe in myself & found the confidence to change things, and by so doing, found a lot more happiness & peace. ? Life isn’t all roses now for me, but the girl on the right has learned when we take care of ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually and make sure we are in healthy relationships, wonders can take place. I dreaded getting older throughout my life, but not anymore. I love that I know my worth & am surrounded by the most amazing people. Know YOUR worth! Love yourself! Take care of yourself! For it is only then that you’re able to help others ♥️ • • • • • • • #transformationtuesday #fatloss #fitnessjourney #fitmums #fitmamas #fitmoms #transformations #weightlosstips #trainlikeagirl #loveyourselfmore #weighttraining #cardio #abworkout #armworkout #fitspo #utahfitfam #utah #utahfitness #howtoloseweight #antiaging #timeless #countingmacros #momswholift #momlife #eternallove #beachbody #bikinibody #bikiniprep #girlsgonesporty

A post shared by Jessica Kimber Enslow (@jessicaenslow) on Nov 21, 2017 at 6:15pm PST

Ova žena iz Jute često na Instagramu objavljuje svoje fotografije i snimke iz teretane, ali i fotografije sa porodicom. Tu su takođe i slike iz perioda kada je bila trudna.

Džesika kaže da tri puta nedeljno vežba, kao i njen suprug, dok su njihova deca u školi.

Poštovani čitaoci, možete nas pratiti i na platformama: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Telegram, Vajber. Pridružite nam se i prvi saznajte najnovije i najvažnije informacije.
Naše aplikacije možete skinuti sa Google Play i Apple AppStore.

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