JELENA DOKIĆ IMALA 120 KG: Vraća se u formu





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Bivša teniserka Jelena Dokić muku muči sa kilogramima i zdravljem, ali naporno radi kako bi se vratila u formu. Zbog štitne žlezde, nekada četvrta teniserka sveta, ima duplo veću težinu od one koju je imala kada se bavila tenisom.

Rešena da živi zdravo: Jelena Dokić

- Moja težina se tačno duplirala u odnosu na onu koju sam imala kada sam igrala tenis. Nisam mogla radim ništa od stvari koje volim. Nisam mogla da trčim, da igram tenis, da skačem, trčim uz stepenice, a sve to najviše zbog problema sa štitnom žlezdom. Na početku oporavka morala samo da hodam. U početku blagim uzbrdicama. Dugo nisam imala nikakvu intenzivnu fizičku aktivnost. Trebalo je mnogo vremena da prođe dok nisam izgubila 15 kila i onda mogla da počnem da lagano trčim.


So here is a continuation of last weeks story.It was very hard to put myself out there and reveal this before picture.I thought long and hard about it especially because i was judged and scrutinised in my every day life so putting this out to the public,media and social media was scary.But i decided to do it and share my story because if this can help just one person and inspire and motivate someone then its worth it.This is so much more than a before and after story.I struggled with my health and weight and i didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel for a long time and this took a lot of hard work,patience and mental strength.There were a lot of tears,hard moments and tough days but i got thru it.Its still a work in progress.I still have work to do but i am on the right path.Its not just about the numbers and losing weight.Its about being healthy and feeling good.Its about gaining confidence and self esteem.I hope this helps and inspires people.And to the people that want to judge someone for their weight and appearance,please don't.You never know what someone has gone thru.You never know what battles they are fighting whether its health related or life related.Instead of judging try and help them and support them.Thank you to The Sunday Telegraph @dailytelegraph for the story and to Jess @jessicakatesnaps for writing it and the early morning paper run.You're the best and a true friend.Thank you to Nick @nickfordham for not just for being my agent but for your support and belief in me and thank you to @theladyshake for your support on this journey.More on my journey in the coming months.#fitness #healthy #motivation #inspiration #followme #instagood #fitspo #health #lifestyle #photooftheday #training #workout #life #love #happy #smile #photoshoot #instadaily #follow #me #happiness #weightloss #gym #picoftheday #eatclean #proud #fitlife #instahealth #instafit #instagram

A post shared by JELENA DOKIC ?? (@dokic_jelena) on Sep 24, 2017 at 12:45am PDT

Jeleninu karijeru obeležile su i svađe sa ocem što se odrazilo I na njeno zdravstveno stanje. Dokićeva je početkom godine imala 120 kilograma, što je bio pokretač da se vrati zdravom životu, a do sada je uspela da skine 30 kg, što joj daje snage da nastavi dalje,


Woke up to this.I also woke up to so many phone calls and messages from so many of you both privately and on social media.Before i clear up a few things thank you to @dailytelegraph for the feature and especially for putting me on the cover.I also want to thank my awesome friend @jessicakatesnaps for writing the story.Also thank you to my manager @nickfordham for the support.I am so appreciative and humbled by the support of so many of you and by the interest that this has created.Before i get into the whole "comeback to tennis" story let me just thank you all for your support on me talking about my health struggles i have had over the last few years.Earlier this year i talked publicly about my health struggles and having a thyroid problem.Due to that i have struggled with my health and weight for a while.I have made big progress in the last 12 months and even though i still have more work to do i am so happy that i am healthier and doing well.As important as its been for me to lose weight,this is not just about numbers.Its about my mental and physical health and my fitness.Its about my wellbeing and feeling good on the inside and out.That's where tennis comes in.I love how all of you really want to see me compete again on a professional level and even though i really do believe in the saying "never say never",let's not rush to things too quickly.For me it has already been a comeback,a comeback to my health.I have enjoyed being able to practise again after years of not being able to,and that's what its all about.Enjoyment and love for the game.I have always loved tennis but this right now is enjoyment on another level and it makes me so happy.As much as i would love to play professionaly again,that's a very tough task and a decision i do not take lightly.For now i am enjoying being healthier,happier and being able to play almost everyday.If it turns into something more,like me competing again,it would be a dream.I am not practicing with the intent of coming back.I am out there to enjoy it and have fun.Thank you all.More updates on everything soon.#fitness #healthy#happy#love#me#instagood #followme#fun#photooftheday#motivation#life#instadaily#sport

A post shared by JELENA DOKIC ? (@dokic_jelena) on Sep 17, 2017 at 2:07am PDT

- To je tek polovina mog puta. Želim da se vratim na nivo koji sam imala tokom celog života. Međutim, nije samo reč o skidanju kilograma, već o promeni načina života, ishrane, sticanju samopouzdanja. Ovo je više borba na psihološkom planu – istakla je Jelena Dokić

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