Serbia News 16:04 13.11.2021 SERBIAN POLITICIAN HIT AT ŽELJKO'S PARTIZAN: He couldn't stand the defeat from Andorra!
Serbia News 13:17 09.11.2021 NBA STAR DELIGHTED BY THE SERBIAN PLAYER: I didn't know that Bjelica was that good!
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Serbia News 12:53 12.10.2021 JOKIĆ COMPARED THE NBA TO HORSE RACING! Serbian center bandied words with the referee the whole time (VIDEO)
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Serbia News 12:37 16.09.2021 HIS SIDELINE MOMENTS WERE LIT, HE LIVED FOR BASKETBALL! Check out the legendary time-out footage of Duda Ivković! (VIDEO)
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Košarka 07:39 SLAVILO SE DO DUBOKO U NOĆ: Grobari zapalili prestonicu - crno-beli dočekali svoje heroje! (VIDEO)
Hronika 07:30 SVAKO JUTRO IDEM NA GROBLJE DA PRIČAM SA NJOM! Potresna ispovest majke Anđele (20) koja je nastradala u Novom Sadu: "UNIŠTENI SMO"!
Hronika 07:10 POZVAO PARTNERKU KUĆI, PA JOJ PRESEKAO VRAT! Osuđen Jovan (41) iz Niša zbog pokušaja ubistva Svetlane (63): "Spremio sam ti veliko iznenađenje"!