Serbia News 09:13 04.12.2021 DRAMATIC CONFESSION OF THE MAN WHOSE APARTMENT BURNED DOWN: The police evacuated his stepmother and daughter-in-law, no one knows the extent of damage!
Serbia News 15:37 02.12.2021 FAMOUS SINGER ARRESTED FOR ALCOHOL: Running wild while drunk at the airport, police reacted immediately! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 13:53 24.11.2021 IT'S TERRIBLE UP THERE, SCREAMS CAN BE HEARD FROM THE FOREST: Horror continues in front of the factory - firefighters break through the forest in search of the missing
Serbia News 10:13 23.11.2021 ARMED LIKE THE ARMY! Great police action in Novi Sad, a man from Beočin ended up in custody! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 11:51 26.09.2021 POLICE OFFICERS CAUGHT RED-HANDED IN THEIR PATROL VEHICLE! They ignored call-outs to a hospital and to a burglary, their misconduct was uncovered in an incredible way!
Serbia News 17:21 21.09.2021 BLOODBATH! Man shoots a crossbow from a balcony: POLICE REACTS SWIFTLY, OUTCOME KNOWN! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 08:53 04.09.2021 DALMATIA SHAKEN BY SCANDAL: a two times arrested prostitute got a job in Social Protection Centre!
Hronika 16:24 OTAC POGINUO GODINU DANA PRED PENZIJU, SIN RADIO U ISTOJ FIRMI: Obojica poginula u Šapcu, dve osobe uhapšene! (FOTO/vIDEO)
Fudbal 16:23 "ORLOVI" ĆE OPET LETETI U BEOGRADU: Za opstanak u A diviziji na najvećem srpskom stadionu
Hronika 16:18 GRLIO SAM IH I LJUBIO, ALI ONI NE USTAJU! Potresna ispovest brata i strica poginulih kod Šapca: VLADI SE MOZAK PROSUO PO SEDIŠTU! (FOTO)
Elita 8 16:15 GASTOZ JE PLAKAO ZBOG NJE, A SAD SE PORODILA: Završila u ZATVORU, pa devet meseci KRILA da je trudna! (FOTO)