Serbia News 14:04 04.03.2022 HELLISH PLAN OF THE BRITISH: They are opening a new FRONT to break up Putin!
Serbia News 15:48 03.03.2022 BIDEN'S LATEST GAFFE: He doesn't know his left from his right - he thinks Putin is at war with Iran (VIDEO)
Serbia News 13:34 27.02.2022 STOP PUTIN, HE IS KILLING OUR CHILDREN! Klitschko's gruesome message: You are looking calmly at the humanitarian catastrophe in the heart of Europe
Serbia News 11:45 27.02.2022 PUTIN WANTED TO MAKE US CAPITULATE! Kyiv explained why negotiations with Russia were rejected!
Serbia News 08:11 27.02.2022 "PUTIN, WE WANT TO SEE YOU SLAUGHTERED LIKE AN ANIMAL"! Russian bombs hit a building in Kyiv, people cursing under the ruins! EIGHT INJURED!
Serbia News 14:53 26.02.2022 RUSSIAN MEDIA BUZZING WITH VUČIĆ'S ADDRESS: Serbia's decision makes headline news in Russia!
Serbia News 12:53 24.02.2022 RUSSIAN ARMY BOMBERS ABOVE UKRAINE: Planes flying over, air raid sirens heard (VIDEO)
Serbia News 11:32 24.02.2022 "PUTIN, YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE PATH OF DEATH"! Fierce reaction of the American president to the incursion of the Russian army into Ukraine!
Serbia News 16:54 23.02.2022 PUTIN RAISES WEAPONS WHICH ARE UNBEATABLE ACCORDING TO HIM! The words of the Russian President resonate at a time when the world is preparing for a new WAR: RUSSIA HAS NO EQUALS!
Serbia News 12:04 23.02.2022 PUTIN STARTING A WAR FOR NEW SERBIA! We uncover that Luhansk was created by Serbs: Many do not know this, but history is relentless! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 11:50 23.02.2022 VUČIĆ ISSUES AN ORDER AND REQUEST FOR THE ARMY TO BE PREPARED: President on Russian-Ukrainian crisis
Serbia News 15:39 22.02.2022 HE KNOWS NO SHAME: He won a gold medal, and then compared RUSSIA and CHINA with NAZI GERMANY!
Fudbal niže lige 12:40 PROLEĆE DONOSI PREOKRET: Kiks će biti nadoknađen - zeleno-beli nemaju dileme kada je titula u pitanju!
Kultura 12:35 KAKVE SU ŠANSE "RUSKOG KONZULA" U TRCI ZA OSKARA? Akademija objavila da li srpski kandidat ispunjava uslove za nominaciju!