Serbia News 09:48 21.07.2022 Not everyone is meant to be a sports journalist: A gaffe on Radio Television of Serbia that made the whole of Serbia laugh! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 14:55 20.07.2022 The long-awaited revelation: Novak Djoković's revolutionary CHANGE - NO LONGER A VEGAN!
Serbia News 13:01 20.07.2022 Deki's son in love with the ravishing Diletta: Stanković's heir wooed the fiery Italian (PHOTO GALLERY)
Serbia News 10:50 20.07.2022 SADNESS, SORROW, MISERY! Here's what the West did to Novak Djoković - INJUSTICE is a mild word!
Serbia News 07:42 20.07.2022 SURPRISE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COURT! The Serbian selector KISSED a volleyball player, the REAL TRUTH revealed! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 14:44 19.07.2022 Novak having a great time in Montenegro! The Serbian tennis ace in the arms of two women! (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Serbia News 10:17 19.07.2022 "I know why CROATIANS HATE me!" Vučić brutally exposed the lies from Croatia!
Serbia News 07:54 19.07.2022 Djoković is mastering the Adriatic Sea: Novak gave Stefan a ride on a jet ski! (VIDEO, PHOTO)
Serbia News 10:54 18.07.2022 A SCARY CAMPAIGN OF THE USTASHA MEDIA AND REGIME! Plenković's regime banned Vučić from entering Jasenovac! He can go anywhere, but there!
Serbia News 07:52 18.07.2022 VUČIĆ WAS NOT ALLOWED TO VISIT JASENOVAC! Scandalous move by Croatia, the President of Serbia reacted sharply!
Serbia News 10:18 15.07.2022 A CROAT MADE SERBS CRY WITH A STORY ABOUT KOSOVO! Ivan blew away the false state with these words! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 11:51 13.07.2022 NOVAK'S CRAZY MOVE! He took aim, fired the projectile and HIT THE TARGET! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 10:22 13.07.2022 HE WAS ARRESTED FOR DRIVING A CAR INTO A CAFE?! The fan took off his pants and showed his behind to the police! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 12:19 12.07.2022 IT IS NOT A MYTH, IT IS TRUE! For this Zodiac sign, MONEY is at the top of the list of greatest values!
Serbia News 11:02 12.07.2022 It alomost put him off his Wimbledon title celebration: Novak had to do what he hasn't done for years! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 11:56 10.07.2022 HE CHOSE HIS NEXT VICTIM! The hit video set social media on fire: Erdogan approached Johnson from behind, no one expected this kind of reaction! (VIDEO)
Estrada 08:00 OVO JE PET NAJSKUPLJIH REČI NA SVETU: Neda otpevala HIT, a ona uzela 100.000 evra za SAMO JEDAN STIH (FOTO)
Hronika 07:47 U 5 UJUTRU ME PROBUDILA MAJKA, VRIŠTALA JE! Goca je zbog pijanog vozača BMW-a izgubila brata i snaju: "Tog dana smo slavili njegovu diplomu..."
Košarka 07:39 SLAVILO SE DO DUBOKO U NOĆ: Grobari zapalili prestonicu - crno-beli dočekali svoje heroje! (VIDEO)
Hronika 07:30 SVAKO JUTRO IDEM NA GROBLJE DA PRIČAM SA NJOM! Potresna ispovest majke Anđele (20) koja je nastradala u Novom Sadu: "UNIŠTENI SMO"!