Serbia News 12:12 05.05.2022 SPITE HAS KICKED IN! Russians make a SUICIDAL MOVE in the middle of the war in Ukraine!
Serbia News 10:42 04.05.2022 HUNGARY TAKING A PART OF UKRAINE?! A shocking claim from Kyiv: Orban knew everything!
Serbia News 11:23 27.04.2022 TRUMP STRIKES PUTIN HARD! No, no, that is not to be done - we will end up in a nuclear war! HE HAD A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR BIDEN!
Serbia News 07:57 26.04.2022 PUTIN AND ZELENSKYY FACE TO FACE! The Russian president has revealed what the whole world expects!
Serbia News 10:47 21.04.2022 MAJOR EMBARRASSMENT: Megan Markle wanted to show support for Ukraine - so she painted the flag in the WRONG order! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 12:36 16.04.2022 PESKOV REVEALED, KREMLIN REJECTED KYIV'S OFFER: Putin's shock decision, was this expected?!
Serbia News 10:42 11.04.2022 WAR HAS TAKEN A TOLL ON HIM! Here is what Zelenskyy looked like at the beginning of the WAR and how he looks NOW! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 13:23 08.04.2022 RUSSIAN TANK KILLERS ARRIVE IN UKRAINE! Pentagon announces: We are sending FLYING SHOTGUNS! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 07:28 07.04.2022 NEDOVIĆ SURPRISES! The Serb made a RADICAL decision due to the chaos around NATO and Ukraine!
Serbia News 15:19 04.04.2022 UNCOMPROMISING CONDITION SET! How will he get over this - will he miss Wimbledon after all?
Serbia News 11:32 31.03.2022 WHILE PUTIN IS IN THE KREMLIN, THERE WILL BE NO PEACE IN EUROPE! Tough words of the former NATO commander: We are preparing for war with Russia in every way!
Serbia News 08:12 30.03.2022 SERBIA IS NOBODY'S MAID, NEITHER RUSSIA'S NOR AMERICA'S! President Vučić's crucial message: We have done what is in the interest of our country!
Hronika 10:18 OTVORILI ALIJIN RANAC, PA OSTALI U ŠOKU! Evo šta je policija pronašla u torbi monstruma: Sve su očekivali, ALI OVO NE! (VIDEO)
Fudbal niže lige 10:16 DANI FUDBALA U VOJVODINI: Projekat je nastavljen u opštini Temerin! (FOTO GALERIJA, VIDEO)
Svet 10:15 "NETANJAHU ĆE DOĆI U MAĐARSKU, NEĆEMO GA UHAPSITI KAO ŠTO TRAŽI MKS": Viktor Orban pozvao izraelskog premijera u posetu
10:15 ZAŠTO SVEŠTENIKA NE BI TREBALO OSLOVLJAVATI SA "POPE": Iznenadićete se šta ta reč uopšte i znači
Elita 8 10:15 DISKVALIFIKACIJA U NAJAVI! Jelena Ilić prekršila strogo pravilo, čeka se ODLUKA Velikog šefa!
Hronika 10:10 "PORODICU NAM JE ZAVIO U CRNO!" Oglasio se Velibor Madžgalj kome je Alija ubio brata i sestru: "Znao sam da će SRPSKA POLICIJA da ga uhapsi!"