KORONA U HRVATSKOJ: U poslednja 24 sata zaraženo 255 osoba, a tek da vidite koliko je novozaraženih!

IZVOR: Tanjug, Republika - 02.01.2021 | 11:50 >> 11:51


Foto: <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">ST / N. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">MANDIĆ</font></font>

Photo Illustration

In the last 24 hours, 255 new cases of virus infection have been recorded in Croatia, and currently 6,946 cases of infection are active.

There are 2,437 patients on hospital treatment, of which 219 are on respirators.

Another 55 people died, reports the Index.hr portal.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 212,262 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Croatia, of which 4,016 people have died.


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A total of 201,300 people recovered, of which 1,480 in the last 24 hours.

To date, a total of 1,026,480 people have been tested, of which 1,740 in the last 24 hours.