AFTER THE WEDDING I CRIED LIKE RAIN! When I opened my grandfather’s envelope I was completely broken

IZVOR: Republika - 02.09.2021 | 12:32

A wedding should be an event in a girl’s life filled with only nice and pleasant feelings. However, during a wedding celebration as well as afterwards, sometimes things happen which could cause sadness and melancholy. That happened in an anonymous girl’s confession which was posted on social networks.


Wedding is the most beautiful event for many people, illustration

‘I got married on a Saturday, and I had no idea how much I would be crying at the end of my wedding’s day, I didn’t feel well’, she wrote in her confession.

After all the guests had gone home, my husband and I started looking through the wedding gifts, envelopes and everything we had got from our friends and relatives on that day.

The handwriting on one of the envelopes attracted my attention. It was my grandfather’s handwriting, I immediately decided to check how much money he had given me for my lucky future, but when I opened the envelope I was stunned. Inside the envelope there was only 5 euro. But then I noticed a letter in the envelope. I opened it and started to read, and I burst to tears right after the first sentence.

He wrote that he had been the proudest and happiest man in the world on that day because he was looking at me becoming an independent woman and starting my own family.

‘I would give you the world if I could but I can’t, this is all I have…’

Honestly, I was disappointed at first, I felt humiliated. Not for the money but because in that moment I felt disrespect, but those words meant more to me than a €1000 present.