GUINNESS-WORTHY SOW FROM ŠUMADIJA! She weighs 500 kilos, and everyone bets on her in the village - the number goes as high as 28! (PHOTO)

IZVOR: Republika - 25.10.2021 | 09:21

It is no secret that fatlings who are being fattened for the winter months, are raised in pigsties all over Serbia. The best pigs are those that weigh more, and can therefore give more meat and fat.

Foto: RINA

Šarena is a real Šumadija record holder

However, a real record-breaking sow lives in the pigsty of Dragan Mosić from the village of Pružatovac near Mladenovac. Šarena (Colorful, when translated from Serbian) weighs over 500 kilos, and is a champion when it comes to farrowing piglets. 

- She is of the old Yorkshire variety and has been with us for several years. Sarena has given birth to a large number of piglets in our household so far. While others farrow around 13 or 14 piglets, she once gave birth to as many as 28 of them. When she was farrowing on that occasion, we were around her for hours because the piglets just kept coming out. We counted them and we couldn't help but be surprised that there are so many of them - says Dragan for RINA.

Šarena is the proof of what it is to eat like a pig, as the old folk saying goes, since she eats everything that it can get her hooves onto, but still prefers the home-made concentrate. They don't let her out of the pigsty, because she is about to be give birth once again. In the village of Pružatovac, they often bid on how many piglets Dragan's sows will farrow. 

- Šarena is due in ten days, so we will see if she will break her own record. She will certainly be with us for a few more years, as long as she is farrowing - says Dragan.

When the time comes for Sarena, like all the other pigs, to go to the slaughterhouse, there is no doubt that the amount of meat, sausages and cracklings in Mosić's household will be at an enviable level. POGLEDAJ GALERIJU