A COMPLETE TURN OF EVENTS! Novak Djoković is not going to the Australian Open after all?

IZVOR: Republika - 26.10.2021 | 09:56

Although the decision was made to allow unvaccinated tennis players to participate in the Australian Open the day before, on Monday, the Prime Minister of Victoria Daniel Andrews stuck to his position that unvaccinated tennis players should not be allowed to play in the first Grand Slam in the new season.

Foto: Tanjug/AP

The best tennis player of the world, Novak Djoković

Andrews argues that the decision to allow players to enter the country depends on the state:

- All people who watch tennis at the Australian Open will have two doses of the vaccine, everyone who works there will have two doses. It is reasonable that if you want to enter the country to participate in that tournament, then you need to be vaccinated twice.

- If you try to enter the United States, most European countries and so many different parts of Asia, you must be vaccinated. Otherwise you will not get a visa. Why would it be any different here? I don't think there should be too much talk, if you want one of those visas in order to come here, then you have to be vaccinated twice - Andrews remained firm in his position.

Djokovic previously announced that he was not sure whether he would go to the Australian Open and that he did not want to reveal his status when it came to vaccines.