HE WAS SITTING PEACEFULLY WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND, AND THEN HE ATTACKED HER: After a few seconds, he repented and had to back away with his tail between his legs (VIDEO)

IZVOR: Republika - 08.11.2021 | 15:53

A girl not only confronted the guy who tried to hit her, but also beat him up.

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Foto: twitter/screenshot

The girl beat the guy

Does it only seem to us, or has the Coronavirus pandemic aroused hidden aggression in many? We hear more and more cases where husbands have attacked wives, and the number of reports is growing where the " gentler sex" is abusing the stronger one ...

There are different reasons behind each of these cases, and it is not known what happened to a couple in Mexico whose video of the conflict is buzzing all over the world. The video surfaced on social media and went viral in record time, thanks to a girl who confronted a guy who tried to hit her.

The couple was sitting at a table in her makeshift garden, apparently arguing when the bully grabbed the girl by the face with his hands and tried to nail her to the wall. The fiery Mexican woman immediately managed and pushed him away, and not only that - but she retaliated fiercely. As seen on the footage, she firts slapped him, then she knocked him off the chair with a few punches and she ended by throwing a chair at him.

See what it looked like.

Upon realizing who he was dealing with, the guy withdrew from the "battle" and everyone on the social media congratulated this little girl for opposing the bully.

"Bravo, she doesn't weigh more than 50 kg, and she knocked him out like a pro," "That's right, girls, don't let them bully you," "What's the matter, dude, you were beaten up by a girl?, Just try to attack a woman again," these sre just some of the comments in support of this fiery Mexican woman.