ARMED LIKE THE ARMY! Great police action in Novi Sad, a man from Beočin ended up in custody! (PHOTO)

IZVOR: Republika - 23.11.2021 | 10:13

Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Novi Sad arrested M.T. (1989) from Beočin on suspicion that he committed the crime of illicit production and possession of explosives.

Foto: MUP
ARMED LIKE THE ARMY! Great police action in Novi Sad, a man from Beočin ended up in custody! (PHOTO)

According to the announcement of the Ministry of the Interior, a search of the apartment where the suspect was staying produced an automatic rifle, a pistol and 236 pieces of ammunition.

Foto: MUP

Seizure of weapons and ammunition

M.T. was ordered detention for up to 48 hours.