THE INTERNET IS BURNING BECAUSE OF SERBIAN BRANDY! The Englishman in a British quiz didn't know what SLIVOVITZ was made of, his answer made everyone laugh! (VIDEO)

IZVOR: Republika - 08.12.2021 | 14:49

Plum brandy popularly known as slivovitz is an unavoidable drink in every Serbian home, and now this famous brandy is also in the questions of the British edition of the popular quiz "Do you want to become a millionaire?".

Foto: Printskrin/Tviter
THE INTERNET IS BURNING BECAUSE OF SERBIAN BRANDY! The Englishman in a British quiz didn't know what SLIVOVITZ was made of, his answer made everyone laugh! (VIDEO)

Namely, among the questions was "What is the main ingredient of the slivovitz?", while among the offered answers were cherries, apricots, oranges and plums.

The interesting part of the video started when the participant of the quiz was not sure which fruit was in question, so he decided to seek help from a friend, i.e. his mother.

As soon as he called her and read the question, the mother answered without thinking "Plum, plum, the answer is plum", and when her son asked her how sure she was, she answered "One hundred percent".

The convincing words of the mother and her good knowledge of the ingredients of traditional alcoholic beverages coming from Serbia made everyone in the studio laugh, including the host and participant of the quiz who knew well when to call, and decided on the answer his mother told him, and of course, got it right, and won 125.000 pounds.

This part of the quiz especially caught the eye of Twitter users who were delighted with both the question and the mother of the participants, who, as they wrote below the post on the mentioned social network, "obviously came to Serbia".

In addition to this, there were other comments on this tweet that read "Mother knows best", "There is only one mother", "125.000 in your pocket and who plums you?" (125.000 in your pocket and who cares).