THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL LAWYER STAND BY NOVAK! He sent a CLEAR message to the Australian authorities!

IZVOR: Republika - 09.01.2022 | 19:03

One of the world's most famous lawyers, and also the first man of UEFA, Alexander Cheferin, did not hesitate to say what he thinks and to support Djoković.

Foto: Tanjug/AP
THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL LAWYER STAND BY NOVAK! He sent a CLEAR message to the Australian authorities!

- If the Australian services gave an exemption to Novak Djoković, whom I know personally, then it is completely absurd that they now want to expel him. That's wrong in my opinion - Cheferin hit right in the target.

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Alexander Cheferin

The Slovenian explained his position:

- Exceptions obviously exist, so if they didn't want him to come there, if his case doesn't fall under that exception, why didn't they tell him earlier? I don't understand that. They say that the people did not like the fact that Novak received an exemption. I absolutely disagree with that.