EXCLUSIVE FROM THE AIRPORT! Novak got what he NEEDS the most now! (PHOTO)

IZVOR: Republika - 18.01.2022 | 11:07

A touching moment was recorded immediately after Novak Djoković landed at the airport and a hug with his youngest brother.

EXCLUSIVE FROM THE AIRPORT! Novak got what he NEEDS the most now! (PHOTO) EXCLUSIVE FROM THE AIRPORT! Novak got what he NEEDS the most now! (PHOTO) Foto: Tanjug/AP
EXCLUSIVE FROM THE AIRPORT! Novak got what he NEEDS the most now! (PHOTO)

The journalists may have been denied a statement, comment or similar from the world's best tennis player, immediately after landing in Belgrade, but this photo shows that he is still just a man of flesh and blood and that all that mattered to him was to be with his family again.

A sincere hug with his brother Djordje and the end of Novak's agony, him being the only one who knows how he dealt with it, with all our support, brings on a really special wave of emotions.

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Foto: Srpski telegraf

Novak and Djordje Djoković

At the end of this saga, we send THEM only one message - He will return even stronger!