MAJOR TURN OF EVENTS! Djoković RETURNS to Australia - HE WILL PLAY in Melbourne!

IZVOR: Republika - 20.01.2022 | 11:20

The best tennis player on the planet, Novak Djoković, was banned from entering Australia for three years, but lawyer Justin Quill reveals that there are great chances that the Serb will return to Melbourne next year and play at the popular "Aussie Open".

Foto: Tanjug/AP
MAJOR TURN OF EVENTS! Djoković RETURNS to Australia - HE WILL PLAY in Melbourne!

- Let me answer your question about the three-year ban, it is automatic, but it is not obligatory. This means that it is issued immediately, Novak is currently banned from entering the country, but that can be changed - Quill began, and then explained:

Mostly you deport someone because he did something bad, but that does not apply to Novak. He was not deported because of something he did, but because it was estimated that his arrival would have a bad effect on the public.

The lawyer continued in the same tone.

- Therefore, we say that we accept that you did not break the rules, that you are a philanthropist, that you are a great character, we know that you entered the country respecting the rules, but we think that this can affect other people. He was not deported because of something he did, but because of the influence that his presence was estimated to have.

In the end, the Australian presented a conclusion, i.e. two potential scenarios for Djoković's entry into Australia.

This means that he will be able to enter the country again next year if this policy of double vaccination is not in force or if public opinion polls allow it. It is a shame that this is so, but it is true - Quill concluded.