SERBIA IS SHAKING BECAUSE OF PUTIN'S MESSAGE! Russian President wrote to Aleksandar Vučić!

IZVOR: Republika - 15.02.2022 | 09:16

Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote to Serbian leader Aleksandar Vučić on the occasion of the Serbian Statehood Day, emphasising very important facts about the relationship between the two countries.

Foto: Tanjug/AP
SERBIA IS SHAKING BECAUSE OF PUTIN'S MESSAGE! Russian President wrote to Aleksandar Vučić!

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received a congratulatory message from the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, on the occasion of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia

- Dear Mr. President, 

Please receive the warmest congratulations on the occasion of the national holiday of your country - Statehood Day. Relations between Russia and Serbia are developing dynamically in the spirit of strategic partnership. A substantial bilateral dialogue has been established, and cooperation in various fields is bringing good results. I am sure that the further development of the entire complex of constructive Russian-Serbian ties fully corresponds to the interests of our fraternal peoples and contributes to strengthening stability and security on the European continent. With all my heart, I wish you good health and success, and to all your fellow citizens - affluence and prosperity - it is stated in President Putin's congratulatory message.