JOHNNY DEPP AWARDED A MEDAL IN SERBIA: Thank you, President, I will remain consistent with it and I will do everything to make this the embodiment of my obligation here

IZVOR: Republika - 17.02.2022 | 08:52

Actor Johnny Depp was awarded the Gold Medal of Merit of the Republic of Serbia. He pointed out that this is a very important moment for him, which he is proud of.

Foto: Tanjug/AP
JOHNNY DEPP AWARDED A MEDAL IN SERBIA: Thank you, President, I will remain consistent with it and I will do everything to make this the embodiment of my obligation here

As Depp said, he had the opportunity and many years ago he was blessed to meet a very strange man whom he immediately knew did not belong to Hollywood. 

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Johnny Depp and Aleksandar Vučić

- His name is Emir Kusturica. He became a brother, his family became mine, I watched his children grow up, we made a connection from day one. That says a lot about a person. When he loves you, he loves you, he always says what he thinks and believes, and I like that about him. The purpose of the work is to create new jobs and positions, I want to contribute to that with the Emir. People here think that the purpose is to take advantage of this moment first, and I learned that from many good souls I met in this country. I made a film here with a team that was spectacular. I believe that there is a lot of talent that we will find here. I really want to thank President Aleksandar Vučić and this Medal of Merit that I received, I am glad that you awarded it to me and I will remain consistent with it and I will do everything to make this the embodiment of my obligation here - the actor said.