A STRANGE BIRD APPEARED IN BOSNIA! They say that it became extinct in the 17th century, now it has been spotted in Cazin (PHOTO)

IZVOR: Republika - 15.05.2022 | 14:44

An extremely rare bald ibis bird, also known as Nova, has been spotted in the vicinity of Cazin.

Foto: Wikipedia/Charles James Sharp
A STRANGE BIRD APPEARED IN BOSNIA! They say that it became extinct in the 17th century, now it has been spotted in Cazin (PHOTO)

This species became extinct in this part of Europe in the 17th century, and now it has returned to Bosnia and Herzegovina from Austria via Italy and Croatia.

This information was confirmed by the Environmental Protection Organization "Bentornato Ibis" from Tuscany in Italy, which monitors the movement of this extremely rare species of birds, of which, according to their research, there are only about 300 left in the world, Klix.ba reported.



- Nova has reached Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is currently located near Cazin, and the exact location is available in the free Animal Tracker application. Help us keep an eye on it and share this appeal - the organization said.