IT CAME BACK TO BITE HIM! Scott harassed Novak, now he received his punishment!

IZVOR: Republika - 25.05.2022 | 12:28

The Prime Minister who deported Novak Djoković from Australia lost the elections.

Foto: Profimedia, Tanjug/AP
IT CAME BACK TO BITE HIM! Scott harassed Novak, now he received his punishment!

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who tried to win political points by deporting Novak Djoković, lost the elections. Australia's new Prime Minister will be the leader of the Australian Labor Party, the Hon. Anthony Albanese MP (59).

The defeat of Morrison, whose moves related to Novak resonated throughout the world, has also been descriced as "bloodshed" by the Australian media. According to them, the Liberals were "massacred" by independent candidates who had huge support from voters. Although not everything is official yet, Morrison has already called Albanese and congratulated him on the victory. 

Since the beginning of the year, Morrison has been the focus of public interest. First of all, because of the decision to deport the world number one tennis player, which will cost Australia a lot. Although Morrison insisted on deporting Djoković for the sake of public health, shortly afterwards he was photographed coughing among people without wearing a mask, even though he tested positive for COVID-19.

Albanese's political platform included promises to reduce the cost of living. He will also look to remove the British Queen Elizabeth II as Australia's official head of State. In 2018, he called for Australia to vote in a referendum to declare itself a state. However, such a referendum has not yet been held. He also announced that he would increase Australia's public debt, but with the goal of spending the money on child care, free technical and further education, renewable energy sources and the health system.