RUSSIANS THREATEN TO USE SARMAT BECAUSE OF LAVROV! Rogozin is furious, Bulgarians, Romanians and Montenegrins under attack: You betrayed our history!

IZVOR: Republika - 08.06.2022 | 08:40

The head of Russia's space agency Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, was furious because of the decision to ban the overflight of the Russian government plane, which was supposed to take Sergey Lavrov to Belgrade.

RUSSIANS THREATEN TO USE SARMAT BECAUSE OF LAVROV! Rogozin is furious, Bulgarians, Romanians and Montenegrins under attack: You betrayed our history! RUSSIANS THREATEN TO USE SARMAT BECAUSE OF LAVROV! Rogozin is furious, Bulgarians, Romanians and Montenegrins under attack: You betrayed our history! Foto: Tanjug/AP, Profimedia, Youtube/Simple Flying 242 хиљ. пратилац
RUSSIANS THREATEN TO USE SARMAT BECAUSE OF LAVROV! Rogozin is furious, Bulgarians, Romanians and Montenegrins under attack: You betrayed our history!

The arrival of Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Belgrade caused a storm in the world public. Apparently, the visit, planned for 06 June, did not happen, primarily due to the decision of Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro to close their airspace to the Russian government plane. 

While the EU and NATO welcomed the decision of those three members to ban Lavrov's flight to Belgrade, anger erupted in Moscow.

On this occasion, Dmitry Rogozin also spoke out and had something to say to the countries that banned the overflight of the Russian plane.

Do you know what is so good about Sarmat? It will not ask for a flying permit from Bulgarian cowards, vindictive Romanians and Montenegrins - who betrayed our joint history. Like the others, the Swedes - Rogozin wrote.



It is also worth clarifying that Sarmat is a intercontinental ballistic missile, also known as "Satan II".