AMERICANS LIED ABOUT YUGOSLAVIA, IRAQ, LIBYA and SYRIA: Harsh criticism from China - they are the biggest threat to peace (PHOTO)

IZVOR: Republika - 22.07.2022 | 13:51

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao accused the United States of constantly lying.

Foto: Tanjug/AP
AMERICANS LIED ABOUT YUGOSLAVIA, IRAQ, LIBYA and SYRIA: Harsh criticism from China - they are the biggest threat to peace (PHOTO)

- They lied. The US is an empire of lies - the diplomat wrote on Twitter.

He posted a photo to remind people of the tragedy of the four countries.

- 1999 they lied to us about Yugoslavia , 2003 they lied to us about Iraq, 2011 they lied to us about Libya, 2018 they lied to us about Syria - the description states.

Earlier, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao said that the US is the most belligerent country in world history and the biggest threat to peace and development on the planet.