HORROR FOR BECKER: What FRESH HELL awaits the German after his release from prison?

IZVOR: Republika - 26.07.2022 | 11:33

In a hopeless situation.

Foto: Tanjug/AP
HORROR FOR BECKER: What FRESH HELL awaits the German after his release from prison?

The legendary Boris Becker is currently serving a prison sentence in Great Britain, and now he is facing new problems, according to German and English media.

Namely, when he gets out of prison, the former coach of Novak Djoković is expected to be deported from Great Britain.

He will be treated like any other foreign citizen, who commits a crime on the territory of the United Kingdom.

If there is no change, Becker will serve a sentence of two and a half years, and then he will be sent to Germany.

As a reminder, Becker is behind bars for tax evasion.