NOVAK SNEAKILY LOBBYING TO ENTER THE USA? An American journalist sent a SCANDALOUS message to Djoković! (PHOTO)

IZVOR: Republika - 03.08.2022 | 12:41

The American harshly criticised Nole with a comment on his post, does he want to abolish the Serb's freedom of expression?

NOVAK SNEAKILY LOBBYING TO ENTER THE USA? An American journalist sent a SCANDALOUS message to Djoković! (PHOTO) NOVAK SNEAKILY LOBBYING TO ENTER THE USA? An American journalist sent a SCANDALOUS message to Djoković! (PHOTO) Foto: Tanjug/AP
NOVAK SNEAKILY LOBBYING TO ENTER THE USA? An American journalist sent a SCANDALOUS message to Djoković! (PHOTO)

The saga surrounding Novak Djoković's entry into America continues, and a big storm was raised by the post of "Sports Illustrated" journalist Jon Wertheim.

The American harshly critisized Nole's public views, pointing out that the Serb is trying to change the rules in an incorrect way.

The journalist, as he says, "had to react" because of the "sneakiness" of the winner of the 21 Grand Slam titles.

We're all tired of this dance...but the passive framing cannot go unremarked upon. Does no advisor say: "There IS room for you to travel. It just entails your following a policy however objectionable you find it. Stick to your convictions, by all means. But you have agency here" - Wertheim wrote on Twitter.

As a reminder, Djoković recently posted on social media thanking his fans for their support, and on that occasion he underlined that he had started preparations as if he was going to participate in the US Open, which is scheduled to start in the last week of August.