BOTH EXPENSIVE AND VULGAR: Pasta in a supermarket shocked the citizens of Belgrade!

IZVOR: Republika - 16.08.2022 | 11:33

Buying macaroni will soon be like buying drugs, this is just one of the comments about the confusing pasta and its price in a Belgrade supermarket.

BOTH EXPENSIVE AND VULGAR: Pasta in a supermarket shocked the citizens of Belgrade! BOTH EXPENSIVE AND VULGAR: Pasta in a supermarket shocked the citizens of Belgrade! Foto: Photo by Unsplash
BOTH EXPENSIVE AND VULGAR: Pasta in a supermarket shocked the citizens of Belgrade!

That every product finds its buyer is best shown by the fact that even unusual pasta is successfully sold at a fabulous price.

What makes it unusual is primarily its shape, which is the shape of the male genitals in different colours.

What some consider funny and interesting, others don't really see that way. Because of this pasta, which, as stated on the Serbia Live - Belgrade group on Telegam, can be bought in supermarket, a real discussion took place.

The price, which was 499 dinars for half a kilogram of this colorful edible delicacy, was even more shocking than its shape.

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Foto: Printscreen/Telegram/serbialive_beograd_rezerva


Telegram users immediately began to calculate this, stating that it is astonishing that a gram of this pasta costs one dinar.

- In a little while, buying macaroni will be like buying drugs - this was stated in a comment below this post.

The shape has thus become nearly irrelevant, and the comments that followed were mostly related to the price of the product and experiences with other types of pasta sold, as well as the best quality-price ratio.