BORILOVIĆ SHOT HIS VICTIM IN THE HEAD! The findings of the inspectora about the massacre in Cetinje will make your blood run cold! (PHOTO)

IZVOR: Republika - 21.08.2022 | 11:21

Vuk Borilović killed ten people last Friday, before he was allegedly killed by Nenad Kaludjerović.

Foto: Ilustracija;, Shutterstock
BORILOVIĆ SHOT HIS VICTIM IN THE HEAD! The findings of the inspectora about the massacre in Cetinje will make your blood run cold! (PHOTO)

A week has passed since this tragic event and the real massacre in Cetinje, when Vuk Borilović killed ten people, including two children, and another six people were wounded. In the end, as is suspected, his neighbour Nenad Neno Kaludjerović did away with him and thus stopped further slaughter.

Members of the police and investigators, who went to the scene in Cetinje, found a scene that they will remember as long as they live. "Novosti" reports that they cried while watching the horror left behind by the crazed killer.

Even the most experienced inspectors with decades of experience could not hide their emotions and tears, which is why the investigation lasted much longer than usual.

According to them, they will not be able to forget the things they have seen as long as they live.

- These are scenes that cannot leave anyone indifferent - they cannot hide this.

The information related to the number of shots Borilović fired at his victims was not yet submitted to the prosecution. However, it is unofficially known that he aimed and shot most of them in the head.