DAUGHTER OF SERBIAN POLITICIAN POSES IN MINIATURE BIKINI: Hot photos of Serbian actress sweep men off their feet! (PHOTO)
Miona Marković has caught the public eye in the last few years as a member of the up-and-coming new generation of actors.

Foto: instagram.com/printscreen
It is well known that Miona is the daughter of Predrag Marković, a Serbian historian and politician. However, very few people know that she is also related to the famous Serbian author Dobrica Ćosić.
- My great-grandmother was the aunt of Dobrica Ćosić, which makes him my great-uncle. The last memory I have of him comes from a January morning stroll along the Dorćol Danube quay. Dobrica took my brother and me for a walk and there were just three of us there. Even in his nineties, he was always such a witty and lively speaker. We looked up to him like to a grandfather figure, to a mentor, if you will. We referred to him as unc (čiča). I am very glad that the first role I ever played was in the TV adaptation of his novel Koreni ("The Roots"). It all felt connected and came together in a way - Miona stated for the Serbian press at the time.
Miona is regularly listed as one of the most beautiful and attractive young actresses. This is further proven correct by her recent Instagram post, a sizzling photo that drove men wild.
Photographed from behind, Miona is shown wearing a tiny bikini and compliments kept on comming in the comments.

Foto: instagram.com/printscreen
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