MR SCOTT AND QUASI MR HAWKE - LISTEN TO WHAT NOVAK HAS TO SAY: I know that I bother them! Djoković's address (VIDEO)

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Unfortunately, the best tennis player in the world, Novak Djoković, was left without the chance to participate in the Australian Open, and the biggest culprits for that are the Minister of Immigration of that country, Alex Hawke, and the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.

MR SCOTT AND QUASI MR HAWKE - LISTEN TO WHAT NOVAK HAS TO SAY: I know that I bother them! Djoković's address (VIDEO)

Foto: Profimedia/Printscreen

Aleks Houk i Novak Đoković

They stated that Novak is dangerous for the health of the population, which is, to put it mildly, abnormal to say about the world's best tennis player. Thus, they influenced the final decision of the Federal Court with such statements.

After the Masters in Turin in 2021, Djoković pointed out that he is a thorn in the side of many, probably because for him, others take priority over him.

After all, listen to what Nole said then:

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