HE IS RUBBING SALT INTO THE WOUND ONCE AGAIN: Becker once again stabbed Novak Djoković in the back!

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After the end of the final match of this year's Australian Open, the former coach of the best tennis player in the world, Novak Djoković, made the latest gaffe for "Eurosport".

HE IS RUBBING SALT INTO THE WOUND ONCE AGAIN: Becker once again stabbed Novak Djoković in the back!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Boris Beker i Novak Đoković

Namely, Boris Becker pointed out that a new page in tennis history was written on Sunday, 30 January:

- This was a day made for history. We didn't have Nadal in the top four favorites two weeks ago. He was ready, he won the preparatory tournament in Melbourne. Before that, he was injured for half a year. Now we are all wiser, because Rafa broke the record and is ahead of Federer and Djoković - Becker pointed out.

The three-time Wimbledon champion thinks that everyone who considers Rafael Nadal a slag player is wrong.

- All those who call him the king of slag are wrong. He won on every surface and in every Grand Slam at least twice. He is the most successful tennis player of all time, we can now say that clearly and loudly - the former coach of Novak Djoković concluded.

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