SHOCKED BY NOVAK'S DECISION: Djoković left the Grand Slam champion SURPRISED!

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Novak Djoković is still the main topic in the world of tennis.

SHOCKED BY NOVAK'S DECISION: Djoković left the Grand Slam champion SURPRISED!

Foto: Djokovic

Novak sa svojim timom

In interviews with the BBC and Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), Novak Djoković said that he was ready to sacrifice himself and not play in tournaments, if vaccination is a condition..

Former Grand Slam champion Marion Bartoli is surprised by such statements of the best tennis player in the world.

- I was very surprised, because I initially thought that he would be vaccinated after everything that happened in Australia, and those were the rumors I heard. So, getting a completely opposite opinion was a small shock, to be honest - the former French player said and added:

Srećna Republika

- He is extremely stubborn in all his ideas. When he believes in something, then he simply has no chance to change his mind, and he believed that injecting something into his body will now change the way he feels. He doesn't want to take any chances.


Foto: Tanjug/AP

Marion Bartoli

Still, she supports Nole's decision.

I just can't believe that he is taking a risk and that he is ready to take a risk to go that way. You know, he made the decision and we all have to respect it - Bartoli concluded.

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