FINALLY AND DEFINITELY: Terrible news - he WILL NOT PLAY at Roland Garros after all!

Autor: Republika

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After his hand surgery, the sixth tennis player in the world, Matteo Berrettini, will miss the whole season on clay.

FINALLY AND DEFINITELY: Terrible news - he WILL NOT PLAY at Roland Garros after all!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

- Following advice from the medical experts, my team and I have decided that it is crucial I do not put time pressure on my recovery process. We have therefore decided I should withdraw from the Monte-Carlo, Madrid and Rome tournaments to ensure I give myself the proper amount of time to return at my highest level. Withdrawing from these events, particularly Rome, was an extremely tough decision, however it is the right one to ensure many more years of competing at the highest level for the biggest trophies. Thanks very much for all the support. My recovery process is on track and I look forward to seeing you on-court soon - Berrettini wrote on social media.

The best Italian tennis player has won five ATP titles so far, and the greatest success in his career is his placement in the finals of last year's Wimbledon, where he was defeated by Novak Djoković 6-7 6-4 6-4 6-3 (3:1).

Srećna Republika

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