NENAD PERIŠ SPOKE UP! Here is what he discovered about Matej's disappearance!

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Nenad Periš, the father of Matej Periš who disappeared during the night between 30 and 31 December last year, revealed that there is no new information about his son

NENAD PERIŠ SPOKE UP! Here is what he discovered about Matej's disappearance!

Foto: ATA Images/ST/P. DIVAC/screenshot

Nenad Periš, as a guest on the show "Jutro" on Prva TV, discovered that there was no new information about his son.

- There is no new information, I am in contact with the Serbian police every day and they inform me about new information, but these pieces of  information did not lead to new details that would help in the search for Matej. The wish for him to be alive is always present, I expect Matej to appear, because nothing has been seen through to the end and there is no factual certainty that Matej fell into in the river. We expect and hope that Matej will appear and it doesn't matter what happened at all, as long as he appears - Nenad Periš said.

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