EUROPE STABS SERBIA IN THE BACK! Revenge of the West for military neutrality!?

Autor: Republika

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Russia has been expelled and now they want to accept Kosovo as a replacement?

EUROPE STABS SERBIA IN THE BACK! Revenge of the West for military neutrality!?

Foto: Tanjug/AP/

Odnos Evropske unije prema Srbiji

The information that the West wants to admit Kosovo to the Council of Europe instead of Russia, which has been expelled, is starting to appear on social media. 

This comes at a time when we are under terrible pressure to impose sanctions on Russia, which can be understood as another way of politically blackmailing Serbia into rejecting its independent policy and siding with the bloc.

Unnamed sources claim that the chances of Kosovo becoming a member are very good.

Srećna Republika

The pressures are getting stronger, so the President of the United States announced a showdown with everyone who does not turn against Russia.

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