FIRST CASE OF DREADFUL DISEASE CONFIRMED! Wild animals spread it, and these are SYMPTOMS!


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The case of monkeypox has been confirmed in Great Britain, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) announced.

FIRST CASE OF DREADFUL DISEASE CONFIRMED! Wild animals spread it, and these are SYMPTOMS!

Foto: ST/P. Divac

The patient arrived from Nigeria and is now being treated at a hospital in London, and UKHSA is cooperating with the National Health Service (NHS), trying to contact everyone who was in close contact with the infected person, the Sun reports.

This is the sixth case of a rare disease in Great Britain after two patients were identified in North Wales in 2021, according to the Sun.

Monkeypox is spread by wildlife in parts of West or Central Africa and is rarely transmitted from person to person, but can be transmitted by contact with clothing or bedding used by an infected patient.

Symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, pain and swollen lymph nodes, the British newspaper reports.

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