SERBS BUILT A MUSEUM OF THE FUTURE! The whole world will admire the creations from Belgrade!


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The Museum of the Future, located in Dubai, was largely built in Serbia.

SERBS BUILT A MUSEUM OF THE FUTURE! The whole world will admire the creations from Belgrade!

Foto: Republika

Serbian delegation led by Prime Minister Ana Brnabić was in Dubai, where a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the United Arab Emirates.


Foto: Republika



On that occasion, the Serbian delegation also visited the spectacular Museum of the Future, and Prime Minister Brnabić revealed that a large part of it was made in our country.

Srećna Republika

- We are in their Museum of the Future, which is a very interesting concept in itself. What was especially interesting to me and what I was proud of is the fact that 80 percent of this first, space-themed floor was made in Belgrade - the Prime Minister said.

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