Gudelj's GIFT to Anastasija REVEALED: CECA WAS IN TEAS because of IT!


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Nemanja Gudelj surprised the Ražnatović family with something grand.

Gudelj's GIFT to Anastasija REVEALED: CECA WAS IN TEAS because of IT!

Foto: ATA Images/ST/V. LUKIĆ

Ceca Ražnatović said that the gift she received from her future son-in-law, Nemanja Gudelj, brought tears to her eyes. It has now been revealed what this present is. 

Namely, a painting which Nemanja Gudelj commissioned for Anastasija Ražnatović's birthday appeared on an Instagram profile, and it is a portrait of her with her father Željko Ražnatović Arkan.

This is how Ceca Ražnatović revealed just how heartwarming the gift was:

Nemanja made a grand gesture last night, it brought tears to my eyes, it was an emotional reaction, but I will not talk about it. I have always respected gentlemen. I was fortunate enough to be married to such a man and I was always surrounded by them



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