HE PREVENTED A WOMAN FROM COMMITTING SUICIDE, AND THEN HE DIED?! The tragic fate of a pedestrian who was run over by a car in Pančevo

Autor: Republika

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The traffic accident on the Pančevo Bridge was preceded by an argument between several people who live under the bridge.

HE PREVENTED A WOMAN FROM COMMITTING SUICIDE, AND THEN HE DIED?! The tragic fate of a pedestrian who was run over by a car in Pančevo


After an argument, the woman revoltedly climbed the bridge and threatened to jump. Relatives and neighbours followed her and managed to dissuade her from committing suicide and save her, Informer writes. 

Among the rescuers was S.L. (34) who was hit by a car while crossing the road. 



Pančevo Bridge

Upon reviewing the camera footage it was detremined that the pedestrian was hit by a Citroen C5, with taxi licence plates.

The search for him is still ongoing.

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