That day has come for Novak's executioner from Australia!

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He got what he deserved.

That day has come for Novak's executioner from Australia!

Foto: Tanjug/AP;Printscreen

Aleks Houk i Novak Đoković

Novak Djoković was shamefully deported from Australia earlier this year.

One of the biggest culprits for that was Alex Hawke, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs. A few months later, Hawke was removed from this position after 15 long years.

He has been involved in numerous scandals in the past, and now his day has finally come. 

There was a real celebration on Twitter after this decision. Twitter users called his dismissal karma for all the crimes he committed during the time he spent at the ministerial position.

Alex Hawke has been a member of the Australian Parliament since November 2007, as a member of the Liberal Party. His rise began in 2007, when he became Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs.

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