WHAT A GENTLEMAN! Serbia and the region entranced by Aleksandar Vučić's chivalrous move! Men, watch and learn! (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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When entering the hall where the journalists were waiting for the address, President Vučić saw that a chair was missing, so he asked for one to be set up for Ana Brnabnić.

WHAT A GENTLEMAN! Serbia and the region entranced by Aleksandar Vučić's chivalrous move! Men, watch and learn! (VIDEO)

Foto: Tanjug/S. AĆIMOVIĆ

After the address of President Aleksandar Vučić and the Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabić which took place on 25 June, an unusual video that preceded this event appeared on social media, and which was seen by over 50,000 people in five hours.

Namely, when entering the hall where the journalists were waiting for the address, President Vučić saw that a chair was missing, so he asked for one to be set up for Ana Brnabić.

When he saw that the chair would be brought by a lady, the President showed a gentlemanly attitude, he picked up the chair and took it to the place where the address would take place.

Srećna Republika

- Give me a chair for Ana. No, no, wait, I'll do it - the President said, and then he grabbed the chair and carried it over.

The President's move was met with numerous comments on social media:

- People like our President Aleksandar Vučić are born only once in a lifetime, there are very few people like this. Bravo, you legend!

- Aleksandar Vučić is a gentleman and a great man.

- Our President is a man who respects women. He has always been a gentleman - these are just some of the comments.

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