Nadal put his foot down: I pay them, I'm the BOSS!
He explained how things work for him.

Foto: Tanjug/AP
Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal pulled out of Wimbledon ahead of his semi-final clash with Nick Kyrgios, so the big question was whether he would be ready for the North American tour.
In the end, it seems that the "King of Clay" will play in Canada and the US, as he has already booked a hotel room in Montreal, and the organisers have sent him a set of tennis balls to play with in the tournament, so that he can get used to them.
After all that, he talked to "Eurosport" about how tennis is a special sport and how it differs from team sports.
- In team sports, you have a coach who is the club. Hire a coach and the player is paid too. But the coach is the boss. In our sport, I am the one who pays the coach, the physical trainer, and the physical therapist. In the end, you are the boss - Nadal pointed out.
However, regardless of the fact that he likes to be the boss, "Spain's Raging Bull" knows how to approach his associates.
- If you don't make all those people around you feel they have the freedom to say things, whether they are good or bad, without putting your job at risk, you are not allowing yourself to be helped. If you do not have the humility to listen to the things that you do not like so much, it is difficult for you to continue on the right path - the Spaniard said.
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