The organisers of the US Open SPOKE OUT! Bad news for Novak!

Autor: Republika

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The seventh tennis player in the world, Novak Djoković, found himself on the list of participants for the upcoming US Open, despite the mandatory vaccination required for entering the USA.

The organisers of the US Open SPOKE OUT! Bad news for Novak!

Foto: Starsport

Novak Đoković na otvaranju terena u Visokom

As a reminder, Novak has not been vaccinated and as he himself said, he has no intention of doing so.

The organisers stated that the list according to the rules of the ITF was made automatically, but that in the end they will follow the laws of the authorities in the USA, which is bad news for Nole.

- Per the ITF Grand Slam rulebook, all eligible players are automatically entered into the men's and women's singles main-draw fields based on ranking 42 days prior to the first Monday of the event. The US Open does not have a vaccination mandate in place for players, but it will respect the U.S. government's position regarding travel into the country for unvaccinated non-U.S. citizens - the organisers of the US Open stated.

Srećna Republika

The US Open starts on 29 August and lasts for two weeks. Novak played in the finals of the previous season, so if he were not to play, he would lose 1,200 points and probably drop out of the top ten on the ATP rankings.

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