What will Sofija say? A ravishing beauty welcomed Jović in Florence! (PHOTO)


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He had a beautiful welcome.

What will Sofija say? A ravishing beauty welcomed Jović in Florence! (PHOTO)

Foto: printscreen/youtube.com/ACF Fiorentina

Luka Jović recently became the new player of Fiorentina.

The Serbian striker joined his new teammates in Florence, and he also did an interview for the club's television.

Jović had exceptional company, as he was interviewed by the gorgeous journalist Rossella Petrillo, who also took the opportunity to take a selfie with the former Real Madrid player.

She wished him welcome to beautiful Florence, to which Luka replied:

- Thank you, I am very happy to be here. I would like to thank the people from the club for giving me the opportunity to be a part of Fiorentina and I hope to fulfill their expectations.

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