She hosted the show COMPLETELY WASTED! The TV host was tongue-tied, hes speech was slurred and she was screaming with laughter, the SCANDAL went live! (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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This host is remembered by the whole Serbian nation.

She hosted the show COMPLETELY WASTED! The TV host was tongue-tied, hes speech was slurred and she was screaming with laughter, the SCANDAL went live! (VIDEO)

Foto: printscreen/

Being a part of a live TV programme and hosting it is not easy at all. The cases in which the presenters had slips, laughed and even cried were not rare, but one weather presenter remained in the memory of all of Serbia.

Namely, a few years ago, she laughed wildly throughout the programme, with her speech slurred, after which most viewers said that she appeared drunk in front of the cameras.

Since she was employed by a well-known television, she divided people's opinions. And while some laughed, others condemned her for her inappropriate behaviour.

Srećna Republika

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