Will Biden CHANGE HIS MIND about Novak? After these words, it is clear as DAY whether Djoković will play at the US Open!

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Nole's coach practically solved all dilemmas.

Will Biden CHANGE HIS MIND about Novak? After these words, it is clear as DAY whether Djoković will play at the US Open!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Srpski teniser Novak Đoković, uz ilustraciju američkog predsednika Džoa Bajdena

Serbian tennis player Novak Djoković has minimal chances to play at the upcoming US Open, according to the coach of our ace Goran Ivanišević.

The Croatian expert estimates the chances of US President Joe Biden changing his mind as "zero".

There is always hope, Novak will do everything to be there, maybe he will get a special visa. But there are only two weeks. And, personally, I have zero hope that Biden will change the rules before the tournament starts. For me it is all nonsense and bull****: if you are vaccinated but positive you can enter the United States. If you are not vaccinated but negative, you are banned - Ivanišević stated in an exclusive interview for La Repubblica.

Srećna Republika


Foto: Starsport

Ivanišević is sceptical about Novak

As a reminder, the title in New York will be defended by the best tennis player of the world, Russian Daniil Medvedev, and Novak will get the opportunity to play only in case there is a change in the current regulation that prohibits "unvaccinated foreigners" from entering the American territory.

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