SHOCKING REVELATION ABOUT THE KILLER OF THE DEMON FROM CETINJE: He was arrested for trying to prevent the enthronement of Joanikije!


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He was arrested for committing the crime of terrorism, as he was a part of the group that tried to prevent the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije.

SHOCKING REVELATION ABOUT THE KILLER OF THE DEMON FROM CETINJE: He was arrested for trying to prevent the enthronement of Joanikije!

Foto: Tanjug/AP/Instagram/pg_forass

N.K. from Cetinje, who, as reported by the Montenegrin media, shot and killed Vuk Borilović, the crazed killer from Cetinje, had allegedly already been arrested by the Montenegrin police.

He was previously tried in the High Court in Podgorica for murder, but he was still acquitted.

He was also arrested for committing the crime of terrorism, as he was a part of the group that tried to prevent the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije.

As Montenegrin Pobjeda reports, N.K. was then arrested in the center of Cetinje, on the Balšića pazar, and was immediately taken to the "Limenka" building, the former headquarters of the Security Centre in Podgorica.

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