SCANDAL! Serbian singer sang the song of HAJDUK SPLIT, she entranced the Croats! (VIDEO)
Sandra Afrika sang Torcida's fan song in the middle of Split.
![SCANDAL! Serbian singer sang the song of HAJDUK SPLIT, she entranced the Croats! (VIDEO)](/data/images/2022-08-19/390699_screenshot-155_f.webp?timestamp=1661074680)
The famous singer Sandra Afrika performed in Split in a club that was packed, and then shocked everyone with a song she started singing.
Namely, she sang the fan song of Hajduk Split, which entranced the audience, since they sang along with her the whole time.
This was a real shame and disgrace for the singer who sang the songs of the Torcida fan group, which is known to be problematic in Split and betond. They have often been against Serbia, so you can often hear them chanting "Serbs onto willows!" in the stands.
- "Give her another 100 euros and she will sing 'Lijepa njihova' "(Our beautiful homeland, Croatian national anthem), "For another 100 she would sing something by Thompson", "Shame and disgrace for Serbia", "People, is she for real, what is she doing?" - these were just some of the fierce comments on social media.
So far, the singer has not spoken out on this topic, and since she is one of the more prominent showgirls, many comment that this could be one of the biggest setbacks in her career.
Were the 5 minutes of fame in Croatia worth turning your back on your own country and people?
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Komentari (1)
21.08.2022 12:55
Ko li napisa ovu informaciju pa sve na Engleskom mogao je da pise i na Hrvatskom razumeli bismo mi. Samo politicari i neki nazovi navijaci a ima tu i tamo zaludjenih nas svadjaju i traze dlaku u jajetu, siguran sam da ne bi pevala Hrvatsku himnu a navijacku pesmu sta je tu strasno, meni nije a zaludnima jeste pa makar i na Engleskom pisali????????? Ziveli