Serbia News 10:11 30.03.2022 SHE LIED TO ROGER FROM THE FIRST DAY: Mirka Federer is an ADULTERER, here is what she HID from her current husband!
Serbia News 12:32 03.03.2022 RUSSIA OR UKRAINE? Djoković on one side, Rafa and Roger on the OTHER side!
Serbia News 15:09 14.02.2022 HORROR! Novak was supposed to DIE in the hospital - ILLNESS definitely does not choose its target!
Serbia News 14:17 01.02.2022 THE END! Right after Melbourne - the tennis king lost the RACE on the ATP list!
Serbia News 14:54 27.01.2022 IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AUSTRALIAN FRENZY! Federer's statement about Novak MADE the entire world SICK, he sided with Nadal - we all remember...
Serbia News 13:13 25.01.2022 HE TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID-19, BUT HE HAS ANTIBODIES: While Novak is being deported healthy, he is allowed to play even though he is INFECTED!
Serbia News 06:31 09.10.2021 THIS IS THE END FOR THEM! Huge tennis legend disappoints fans all around the world - the end of the "Big 3"!
Serbia News 15:18 03.10.2021 NOVAK IS OFTEN HARASSED: Croatian expert speaks out and shocks people across the globe with his statements on Djoković!
Serbia News 08:26 20.09.2021 WILANDER BACK TO HIS OLD WAYS: Praying to God that Djoković does not win anytning ever again!
Serbia News 09:52 10.09.2021 I LOVE FEDERER, BUT DJOKOVIĆ IS THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME: Tennis star DEFEATED by Djoković admitted who holds the FOREVER TOP POSITION!
21:26 OVO SU RAZLOZI ZA CRKVENI RAZVOD: Otac Gojko otkriva u koja tri slučaja je razlaz partnera neizbežan
21:12 ATROLOZI OTKRIVAJU - EVO ZAŠTO JE LEPA BRENA PALA U ZAGREBU I ŠTA JE ČEKA U 2025! A 5 horoskopskih znakova procvetaće na svim poljima u narednoj godini!
Estrada 21:11 OVO JE NAJMANJA BINA U ISTORIJI ARENE: Otkrivamo koliko je Prija smanjila STEJDŽ da bi smestila dodatne HILJADE LJUDI na večerašnjem koncertu (VIDEO)