VUČIĆ WAS NOT ALLOWED TO VISIT JASENOVAC! Scandalous move by Croatia, the President of Serbia reacted sharply!

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The leader of Serbia shared a photo of the Stone Flower monument on his Instagram profile. He was brief and clear!

VUČIĆ WAS NOT ALLOWED TO VISIT JASENOVAC! Scandalous move by Croatia, the President of Serbia reacted sharply!

Foto: Tanjug/D. VOJINOVIĆ

The leader of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, finally spoke out about the Croatian authorities' ban on him visiting Jasenovac.

On his official Instagram account, he shared a photo of the Stone Flower, a monumental dedicated to the victims who perished in the camp in Jasenovac, followed by these words:

- You just keep doing your job! The Serbian people will keep living and will never forget!

Srećna Republika



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